lodging in Tallinn, Harju

About 165 results.

Hotel St. Barbara

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Roosikrantsi 2a, 10119 Tallinn, Estonia

Hotel St. Barbara is centrally located in 150m from Tallinn Old Town. It has a reputation of a business hotel but is an excellent choice for your family stay as well. Historical building on very …

Classic Apartments - Tallinn City Center

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Suur-Karja 18-42, 10146 Tallinn, Estonia

Посуточная аренда гостевых апартаментов в Старом городе и в центре Таллинна

Jaamalilled OÜ

Toompuiestee 37, 10149 Tallinn, Estonia

OÜ Jaamalilled Tel +372 5519049 E-post: info@jaamalilled.ee Kaupluse aadress: Toompuiestee 37, Tallinn (Balti jaam) ...

Classic Apartments OÜ

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Suur-Karja 18-42, 10146 Tallinn, Estonia

Посуточная аренда гостевых апартаментов в Старом городе и в центре Таллинна

Vene 23 Apartments

Vene23 is a selection of beautifully presented 1 to 3 bedroom apartments right in the centre of Tallinn old town

Särgava külalistemaja

E. Särgava allee 4, 12013 Tallinn, Estonia

Särgava külalistemaja asub Tallinnas Pirita-Kosel aadressil Ernst Särgava allee 4. Särgava külalistemajas on võimalik sisetingimustes korraldada nõupidamisi, pidulikke lõuna- ja õhtusööke, vastuv…

Eesti Hotellide ja Restoranide Liit

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Kiriku 6, 10130 Tallinn, Estonia

Eesti Hotellide ja Restoranide Liit

Baltic Hotel Vana Wiru

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Viru 11, 10140 Tallinn, Estonia

Suurepärase asukohaga, stiilne, mugav ja professionaalse teenindusega hotell Tallinna vanalinnas.

Taanilinna Hotell

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Uus 6, 10111 Tallinn, Estonia

A sophisticated medieval-style accommodation & service provider in the heart of the Tallinn's Old Town. We know how to make you feel very special...

Kingsgate Ltd.

Roosikrantsi 4, 10119 Tallinn, Estonia

Aadress: Roosikrantsi tn 4 Tallinn Harjumaa 10119. Vaata tasuta firma omanikke, juhatust, seotud ettevõtteid, b-kaarti, maksuvõlgu.

Estinn Apartment

Narva maantee 5, 10117 Tallinn, Estonia

Apartment in Tallinn. Rooms for tourists

Marta Guesthouse Tallinn

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Marta 8, 11312 Tallinn, Estonia

Marta külalistemaja kohvikuruume on võimalik broneerida toredateks sünnipäevadeks, koosolekuteks, seminarideks. Hakkavad toimuma ühiskokkamised, pannkoogipühapäevad ning lastele muinasjuturingid…

Viinamärdi Külalistemaja

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Lelle 24-39, 11318 Tallinn, Estonia

Suur kogemustepagas ühiskondlike hoonete - koolide, lasteaedade, meditsiiniasutuste, vallakeskuste - projekteerimisel ning tihe koostöö asjatundlike partneritega võimaldab meil pakkuda tellijale …

Delta Group

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Pikk 36-2, 10133 Tallinn, Estonia

Apartments & Tour arrangements.

Old Tallinn 1Hostel

Pärnu maantee 8, 10140 Tallinn, Estonia

Old Tallinn 1Hostel

Merchants House Hotel

Dunkri 4/6, 10123 Tallinn, Estonia

Merchants House Hotel Tallinn Estonia is a small beautiful and historical boutique property. The hotel centrally located in medieval old town Tallinn Estonia.


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Vabaduse väljak 3, 10141 Tallinn, Estonia

TallinnHotels operates three superbly located hotels and two restaurants Konrad and MEKK in Tallinn old town. www.tallinnhotels.ee

Nord Hostel OÜ

Ristiku põik 8, 10612 Tallinn, Estonia

Nord Hostel, hostel Tallinnas, mugav hostel Tallinnas


thumb_up 1700 likes
rate_review 118 Reviews
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Roosikrantsi 2a, 10119 Tallinn, Estonia

Hotel St. Barbara is centrally located in 150m from Tallinn Old Town. It has a reputation of a business hotel but is an excellent choice for your family stay as well. Historical building on very …


Mere puiestee 10, 10111 Tallinn, Estonia

Your KODA house is waiting in the heart of Tallinn. 300 meters from the Old Town. For friends, individualists, smart business travellers, families, lovers.

Tallink Express Hotel

Tallink Express Hotel located only a 10-minute walk from Tallinn’s medieval Old Town and just steps away from the passenger port.

Privat Hostel

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Pärnamäe tee 4, 11914 Tallinn, Estonia

Korraldame sünnipäevasid, juubeleid, pulmi, peielaudu ,ärilõunad jms. Организуем дни рождения, юбилеи, свадьбы,бизнес-обеды, поминки и другие мероприятия.

Susi Hotel

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Peterburi tee 48, 11415 Tallinn, Estonia

Kaasaegse sisustusega 3* hotellis on kokku 99 numbrituba, neist 4 sviiti saunaga. Olemas ka toad allergikutele ja liikumispuuetega inimestele.

Old Town Munkenhof Guesthouse

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Põhja pst 27 Tallinn, 10415, Estonia, 10415 Tallinn, Estonia

Stay with us at: Fat Margaret's Hostel Old Town Munkenhof Guesthouse Strangers in the Night Enjoy a hotel room with hostel prices! see more: www.16eur.ee Ask about prices or our facilities via in…

Radisson Blu Hotel Olümpia, Tallinn

Liivalaia 33, 10118 Tallinn, Estonia

Book Radisson Blu Hotel Olumpia, Tallinn for close proximity to the Old Town, Tallinn Opera and shopping, only three kilometers from Lennart Meri Airport