surveyor in Tallinn, Harju
About 9 results.
Archaeovision OÜ
Kentmanni 18-4, 10116 Tallinn, EstoniaArchaeovision is a consultancy specialising in computer vision, 3D survey techniques and web technologies.
Hades Geodeesia OÜ
Valdeku 132, 11216 Tallinn, EstoniaHades Geodeesia OÜ tegeleb laserskaneerimise, ehitusgeodeesia katastri- ning topogeodeetiliste mõõdistamistega. Meil on kontorid nii Tallinnas, Tartus kui ka Narvas. Küsimuste korral võta kin…
Geodeesia 24 OÜ
Pärnu mnt. 139e, 11317 Tallinn, EstoniaGeodeesia 24 OÜ on innovaatiline ja professionaalse töötajaskonnaga geodeesia ettevõte. Geodeetilisi töid teostame Eestis ja Skandinaavias.
EXACT Geomark AS
Mustamäe tee 44, 10621 Tallinn, EstoniaEXACT offers surveying services within the physical infrastructure sector in northern Europe.
Salvelum OÜ
Punane 56a, 13619 Tallinn, EstoniaIndependent shipping survey service copmany. Offering Ultrasonic Thickness gaugings and visual inspection of ship steel hull contsructions.
BPT Real Estate | Ärikinnisvara täisteenus
Hobujaama 4, 10151 Tallinn, EstoniaLeading commercial property service provider company in the Baltic Region. 15 years of experience. Full range of value added services. Take a look!